Sermon Archive (Page 22)

Sermon Archive (Page 22)

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When the Merciful God Shows No Mercy

Joshua 11 Sunday Service / The utter destruction of Canaan’s northern tribes completes Israel’s conquest of the land. God’s purposes in giving the land to Israel also executes merciless judgment on Canaan. How could a God of love show no mercy to even women and children?

A Gospel Testimony​

1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sunday Service / The gospel shapes you into a person who continually sees yourself as a big sinner and Jesus as a bigger Savior.​
gospel message

Obeying God

Micah 6:8 Midweek Service / Goodness is doing justice, loving kindness and walking with God.

Stability Through Unity

Philippians 4:2-3 Sunday Service / We ought to pursue unity and love because spiritual stability individually and corporately is compromised by local church division.