Blog (Page 8)

Blog (Page 8)

Is Prayer Caught or Taught?

The answer is, “Yes!” However, I think prayer is more caught than taught. Here’s why. When the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray, do you remember what Jesus does? He doesn’t lecture for forty five minutes. He doesn’t require them to read a book and write a book report. Jesus teaches them how to pray by giving them a model prayer (Luke 11:1-4). Granted, Jesus did not pray the “Lord’s Prayer,” because Jesus could not have prayed “forgive…

Is Philippians 4:8 Half Full or Half Empty?

In some things in life I am an optimist and in some things I am a pessimist.  When it comes to Chicago Cubs baseball, I am an optimist—always hoping and praying for the World Series win.  When it comes to politics, I tend to be a pessimist—seeing more to condemn than to commend.  What about when it comes to the Bible?  How much of my pessimism do I bring to the table when I read the Scriptures? Recently, a verse…