'Luther' Tagged Posts
The Reformation of Marriage
In the grand scheme of things, we view the institution of marriage as a normal part of society. But this wasn’t always the case – especially if you were a monk. The fact is that in the sixteenth century, if you were a religious worker (e.g., pastor, monk, nun), you didn’t marry. Given that marriage was not proper for religious workers, when Martin Luther (a monk) married Katharina von Bora (a nun), he was ferociously ridiculed. In fact, Luther’s opponents…
God’s Love Creates
Exactly five hundred years ago today (April 26), a group of theologians met in the quaint medieval town of Heidelberg to dispute 28 theses penned by Martin Luther. In the final thesis, Luther wrote a beautiful statement about love. Please read his words slowly: “The love of God does not find, but creates, that which is pleasing to it. The love of man comes into being through that which is pleasing to it.” What Luther is saying is that human…