College and Career

College and Career

Aug 4, 2024

Book Study for College & Career Aged Women at Church

Jodi Rich and Rachelle Benson would like to invite all college and career aged women to a monthly Bible study. The group will study through the book True Woman 101: Divine Design. Food will be served!
Sep 8, 2024

Book Study for College & Career Aged Men

Pastor Jeff would like to invite all college and career aged men to a monthly Bible study at the Rich home. The group will study through the book Disciplines of a Godly Man. Food will be served!
Sep 8, 2024

Book Study for College & Career Aged Women

Kim Wentzlaff would like to invite all college and career aged women to a monthly Bible study at her home. The group will study through the book True Woman 101: Divine Design. Food will be served!
Oct 6, 2024

Book Study for College & Career Aged Women

Kim Wentzlaff would like to invite all college and career aged women to a monthly Bible study at her home. The group will study through the book True Woman 101: Divine Design. Food will be served!